
Cancel within 24hrs it’s a $50 cancellation fee, if you cancel within the hour or don’t show up it’s a full service fee of whatever your service was

Cancellation & No-Shows

If you need to reschedule I kindly ask that you notify me at least 48hrs in advance or earlier if possible. 


Your policy information will go here. Extend or shorten this canvas/section depending on how long your policy text is. Be sure to check both desktop and mobile versions. Donec accumsan consectetur faucibus. YOLO, you only live once. Donec eget semper eros. Vestibulum lobortis eros vel elementum suscipit. Nunc tempus lectus elit, et faucibus ligula dignissim nec. Phasellus in turpis porta, laoreet sapien vitae, auctor ante. Your chick, she so thirsty, nec consequat dui imperdiet eget. In quis rhoncus sem, eu eleifend purus. Etiam sodales turpis volutpat ultricies blandit. #Swaggityswag Donec pretium tincidunt mi, id semper dolor commodo eget.

Late Arrivals

Your policy information will go here. Extend or shorten this canvas/section depending on how long your policy text is. Be sure to check both desktop and mobile versions. Donec accumsan consectetur faucibus. YOLO, you only live once. Donec eget semper eros. Vestibulum lobortis eros vel elementum suscipit. Nunc tempus lectus elit, et faucibus ligula dignissim nec. Phasellus in turpis porta, laoreet sapien vitae, auctor ante. Your chick, she so thirsty, nec consequat dui imperdiet eget. In quis rhoncus sem, eu eleifend purus. Etiam sodales turpis volutpat ultricies blandit. #Swaggityswag Donec pretium tincidunt mi, id semper dolor commodo eget.

Pricing & Payments

Your policy information will go here. Extend or shorten this canvas/section depending on how long your policy text is. Be sure to check both desktop and mobile versions. Donec accumsan consectetur faucibus. YOLO, you only live once. Donec eget semper eros. Vestibulum lobortis eros vel elementum suscipit. Nunc tempus lectus elit, et faucibus ligula dignissim nec. Phasellus in turpis porta, laoreet sapien vitae, auctor ante. Your chick, she so thirsty, nec consequat dui imperdiet eget. In quis rhoncus sem, eu eleifend purus. Etiam sodales turpis volutpat ultricies blandit. #Swaggityswag Donec pretium tincidunt mi, id semper dolor commodo eget.


At the salon we ask that you leave your kids at home as we are working with strong chemicals and dyes and it is not the best environment for a child to hang out at. 

Kids Policy